The City's outdoor pools, splash pads, wading pools and beaches are cool places to be this summer

June 19, 2015
The City of Toronto invites residents of all ages to visit the City's splash pads, wading pools, outdoor swimming pools and beaches this summer.

Read more: The City's outdoor pools, splash pads, wading pools and beaches are cool places to be this summer

City of Toronto officially opens William Meany Hedge Maze

June 19, 2015  
City officials and staff joined businessman William Meany, along with members of the community, to officially open the William Meany Hedge Maze on Toronto Island Park with a ribbon-cutting ceremony today.

Read more: City of Toronto officially opens William Meany Hedge Maze

Toronto artists turning traffic-signal boxes into street art

June 18, 2015
The City of Toronto's Outside the Box program will see local artists busy on Toronto's sidewalks next week, transforming the exteriors of traffic-signal boxes into works of street art. 

Read more: Toronto artists turning traffic-signal boxes into street art

Toronto Public Health shares food safety tips for summer 2015

June 19, 2015 
As residents enjoy the summer season with outdoor barbecues and picnics, Toronto Public Health is reminding residents to keep food safety in mind when preparing meals. Following a few basic rules can go a long way in preventing food-borne illnesses and making sure your summer meals are safe and healthy. Simply remember these four easy steps: clean, separate, cook and chill.

Read more: Toronto Public Health shares food safety tips for summer 2015

New Toronto-branded condoms now available – get yours today

June 17, 2015
Toronto Public Health is launching the second City-branded condom wrapper design – known as condomTO – at Yonge-Dundas Square today. Building on last year's inaugural launch for World Pride and following the lead of successful city-branded condoms in New York City and Los Angeles, Toronto Public Health hopes the new look of the condom packaging will help reinvigorate condom use and help to promote safer sex in Toronto.

Read more: New Toronto-branded condoms now available – get yours today