City of Toronto's outdoor pools open for the season this weekend

June 26, 2015
Councillor Jim Karygiannis (Ward 39 Scarborough-Agincourt) joined Barbara Byers, Director of Public Education for the Lifesaving Society, and members of the local community today to kickoff outdoor pool season in Toronto at Kidstown Water Park in Scarborough. 

Read more: City of Toronto's outdoor pools open for the season this weekend

City of Toronto to explore using traffic data to minimize congestion and get traffic moving

June 26, 2015
The City of Toronto is partnering with Evergreen CityWorks to deliver TrafficJam on October 2 to 4 at Evergreen Brick Works. TrafficJam is a 48-hour hackathon that will leverage open data to create new ideas, tools and resources that will be used to ease congestion and get Toronto moving. 

Read more: City of Toronto to explore using traffic data to minimize congestion and get traffic moving

City of Toronto and Metrolinx beautifying transit infrastructure with murals at rail-line underpass

June 24, 2015
The City of Toronto's StreetARToronto (StART) program and Metrolinx have partnered to complete a series of street-art murals to enhance the public realm in communities along the 20- kilometre Georgetown South rail corridor.

Read more: City of Toronto and Metrolinx beautifying transit infrastructure with murals at rail-line underpass

Toronto City Council meeting of June 10, 11 and 12, 2015

June 19, 2015

Council Highlights is an informal summary of decisions made by Toronto City Council. The City Clerk provides the formal documentation at

Read more: Toronto City Council meeting of June 10, 11 and 12, 2015