Options for Toronto ward boundaries released today along with invitation for public input

August 11, 2015
The Toronto Ward Boundary Review (TWBR) Options Report was released today, outlining five options for new ward boundaries for Toronto. The design of the options incorporates input received during round one of the TWBR's civic engagement and public consultation process. All of the options meet the required criteria for a new ward boundary system. 
The purpose of the report is to present options for new ward boundaries for the City of Toronto and receive input from residents, stakeholders and members of Council. 
There are two ways to provide input:
1. Complete a survey: The survey can be completed online or in hard-copy format. 
2. Attend a public meeting: Twelve public meetings will take place across the city this fall, starting September 16. 
The Options Report, as well as information about the survey and the public meetings, can be obtained at
The Options Report and survey are available upon request in the following languages besides English: Chinese (Simple and Traditional versions), Farsi, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil and Urdu.  
Round two of the TWBR civic engagement and public consultation process is now underway. Input on the options will inform the Final Ward Boundary Review Report, which will include a recommended option and will be presented to the Executive Committee and City Council in May 2016.
About the Toronto Ward Boundary Review
The Toronto Ward Boundary Review is looking at the size and shape of Toronto's wards in order to ensure that each person in Toronto is fairly represented at City Council.  
Toronto’s significant growth has resulted in wards with populations above or below the current average of 61,000, with some wards 30 to 50 per cent above the average. The goal of the Review is to ensure that the population in every ward is similar in size throughout the city.
This news release is also available on the City's website:
The City of Toronto has oversight of the Toronto Ward Boundary Review. The study is being done by an independent team of consultants responsible for making sure the process is objective.
Media contact: Shannon Clark, Toronto Ward Boundary Review, 416-458-5363, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.